Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Big Changes!!

So a lot has happened since last time! Ben just got a job working as a solids technician in North Dakota and in Wyoming it's a pretty crazy job. He will be working 15 days on and 6 days off. Today is the second day he has been gone and it has been sooo hard!! It seems like he has been gone a year! He is in Wyoming right now for his training, and says that he is liking it. I am having a pretty hard time with him gone, I haven't ever spent more than a day away from him so it is a huge adjustment. Ben told me that I should start a T.V. show called Rig Wives. haha it would just be a bunch of whining women complaining that their husbands are never around. haha. It's been good though, for the 6 days he will be home I will get him totally to myself, he wont have to worry about work or anything else if he doesn't want to so that will be nice. I am just hoping that it gets a little easier as time goes on and I have to do this a few times. His plan right now is to stay there for about two years with this company, then return and finish school.
A baby update, we go in for the ultrasound to find out what we are having when Ben gets back! I am at about 19 weeks, so almost 5 months. I just started feeling the baby moving around a couple weeks ago, but Ben was able to feel it before he left so that was pretty neat. It has been pretty fun being pregnant and experiencing all the changes. But so far everything seems to be going well. I am still working at the Dentist office and enjoying that. Other than that I guess everything is still the same, still moving forward!

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